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Tag Search Results for "pt 1"
My brother (in-law) Ryan Savoy one of the bravest people i have ever known. He was torn apart by the actions of the cowards that hi-jacked the planes and used them as devices of destruction. Even though he was already in the Marines at the time he choose to go to Iraq and fight for the ones who's lives were cut short. He was in the Marines for 5y yrs in the 1st Armored Div...
With this decade ending in exactly 18 days, one must ask him or her self:How does one judge skill? Is such a player a great Hitter? Shot Blocker? Great Passer? Pure Sniper? Dangler? Or just a plain old pest? This blog not only counts down the top NHL players and goalies, it provides you, the reader and avid watcher of our great sport, the identies of such players. Well, wi...


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